Niki is delighted to bring you a range of online professional learning opportunities:
Interactive meeting/discussions for smaller groups,
Recorded webinars which can be accessed at a time convenient to you.
Bundles and E-courses which are time and cost effective
Whole team personalised live online professional learning at a time convenient to the team.
Attendance certificate available for all webinars. E-mail David with your name and the webinar you attended.
All our courses are research based, developed and presented by Niki Buchan and cane be used as NESA electives in one or more priority area/s.
Please note.
We keep prices low to support parents and educators.
Webinars are approximately 45 min to 1 hour long
The recorded webinars are priced per person. If more than person will be attending, please order multiple recordings.
Recorded webinars can be purchased and viewed when it suits you. Please contact Niki with any issues
If you would like to arrange a presentation for your team, please contact Niki here for a team price.
Prices are in Australian Dollars and include GST
COST EFFECTIVE WEBINARS E-Courses and BUNDLES We have bundled many of our individual webinars together to offer a range of cost and time effective packages for you to choose from. We listened and heard that you wanted to be able to revisit webinars, now all of our bundles and E-courses offer unlimited access for 2 to 12 months.
Unlimited access to 5 webinar modules including modules not available individually
12 month unlimited access to embed this methodology and practice
Access to a dedicated Facebook networking page
Includes EYLF framework grids, Planning sheet. Critical Reflection sheet. Front cover for Project Book. Notes for educators. Notes for parents and assessors. 5hrs viewing
Investment only $250 per person, $200 for 3 or more registrations
INDIVIDUAL WEBINARS An opportunity to pick and mix 1, 2, 3 or more individual recorded webinars to view once at a time that suits you. Some of these are also bundled (above) at reduced rates for you to view multiple times over a longer period. Contact Niki if you would like us to invoice you or would like to purchase multiple registrations.
School Readiness. PARENTS Supporting Children's Transition to School. Recorded webinar.