Niki is the award winning author of 4 very popular reference books, STEM Detectives she co-authored with Bron Cron. Her books are practical, visual books with many ideas for educators to implement immediately. Her Children in Wild Nature book has been adapted for the UK market as 'A Practical Guide to Nature Based Practice' which won the 2018 Nursery World award. It has also been adapted and translated into Chinese.
Nature Challenge cards are the first in a series of wipe clean cards created by Niki with many wonderful provocations for children to explore in nature. They include educator questions to stimulate higher order thinking as well as the learning and development likely to occur during the experience. Schematic Play cards were created to support educators in planning and programming for children who are exploring schema with many practical ideas for opportunities, resources and the learning and development.
All Niki's books have recorded webinars available to complement her books.
More resources to come :-)
Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviours "But I want to be good!"